The new Elimu hub student center includes a computer laboratory and library to provide learning activities and resources for our students.

Primary students take weekly computer classes
There are many benefits of introducing computers to children at an early age. It prepares them for future usage in many professional fields that require these skills. It increases their self-esteem, builds self-confidence, and boosts their problem-solving skills. Students from Nelson Mandela (near the campus) are able to attend during the school week while other students receive intensive exposure on the weekends.
Creative classes on Saturday i.e. Canvas & Coding
As part of the Saturday Program, we are introducing creative computer classes where primary students are taught to use creative tools such as Canvas to create decorative posts for sponsors and to learn basic coding skills.
Internet – Web surfing and student/sponsor communication portal
The students are taught how to use the internet to do school research within their level and how to access and log in to their portals to write/reply to sponsor messages and access their photos and other resources in the portal.
Secondary students attend advanced courses

WordPress training
Secondary students are required to attend computer classes during their holiday including a WordPress course. At the end of the training, they are required to build their online portfolios/websites. The training acts as preparation for the training course with Belmont College after high school.
Internet – Web surfing, NRCF Communication portal, and Google mail
The students are taught how to use the internet to do school research and learn to use the Google Suite tools such as Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Sheets. They are taught to access and log in to their student/sponsor portal to send sponsor messages and access their photos and other resources.
Post-secondary students attend formal courses and do research
High school grads computer training– The two-month training program by Belmont International College will be conducted in our computer lab, which is now equipped with new and fast desktops (thank you to all that helped to fund these needed computers).
Research space for students
The computer lab is open to all students and alumni of the program to conduct research or do assignments. Students use the computers in the lab to access the communication portal to send and receive emails to and from their sponsors.
Library is a place for discovery

School textbooks & revision materials.
The library, with the help of the new Kenyan curriculum project leader, is in the process of identifying school textbooks for all school levels that align with the new curriculum.
Currently, the library has various genres that students borrow and read within our premises. This activity continues in the new library with a plan of adding more.
Library support
The librarian ensures each student borrows a book at least once every school term. A report is issued each year indicating how many books each student has read. Each student completes a questionnaire upon returning the book to encourage the student to read their story books.
Art and Design
Art and design stimulate creativity and imagination, providing visual and sensory experiences and a special way of understanding and responding to issues. Through learning about the roles and functions of art, students can explore the impact it has had on contemporary life.
The students will have access to materials that they cannot access from home and are limited at school. They will be able to:
- Showcase their artwork to sponsors. For example; drawing, cardmaking, flower making using different materials, etc
- Record first-hand experiences or their imaginative ideas to use in their work.
- Develop creativity and imagination through a range of complex activities
- Increase their critical awareness and boost their confidence and have fun.
Reading and study space
Most of our students’ homes are not conducive to studying. The library space is utilized by students during holidays and weekends for reading, studying, and assignments. Students also come for assistance with their assignments from TechMates interns.
Students will have read-aloud and around sessions, where they will be able to share lessons, terms, and group book reading. Book club sessions, “Little Gurus”, for grades 5 and 6 students will resume.