You can impact the lives of children living in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya. An investment in Friends of Ngong Road transforms lives. A quality education is not free in Kenya, yet we believe it is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. We identify individual children with potential and pay for their educational expenses to attend school full-time and we provide highly supportive people and programs to help them succeed.
You can help us by sponsoring a child, donating, or volunteering. It all makes a huge difference in the lives of these children. Consider visiting us in Kenya!
Many supporters directly sponsor a child (or more than one). Sponsorship covers the cost of tuition, supplies, uniforms, and, for older students, boarding school (which is the norm in Kenya). You can choose a child to sponsor or we can match you.
For many, sponsorship is a highly rewarding experience as you can build a relationship with your student. You’ll learn about their background, current life, school life, hopes and challenges, and more. They will send you periodic messages and, If desired, you can send messages and photos to them.
Sponsors can be individuals, families, or “shared” sponsors where multiple individuals or families sponsor one student together.
Our Scholarship Fund is another way to provide sponsorships to children without a direct relationship.
Sponsorships only cover half of the cost of our support of student’s education. Direct contributions help us sustain and build our supportive programs such as life skills, technology expertise, and employment readiness.
You can also contribute to our Scholarship Fund which goes directly to providing sponsorships for additional students, without a one-one sponsor relationship.
Since its founding, Friends of Ngong Road has benefited from the involvement of great volunteers. We are always looking for volunteers for both short and long-term projects. Volunteers are needed to help with events, fundraising, communications/marketing, data entry, and more! If you have an idea, we want to hear it! If you’re interested in volunteering please email
Visit us in Kenya
Would you like to visit the students, meet our Nairobi staff, and tour some schools? We would be happy to host you individually or consider joining one of our group travels. If you’re interested in visiting our office in Nairobi please email