Already, just by being here and being present with the news and caring about the students and families in Nairobi, you are doing something. Thank you so much for that.
Friends of Ngong Road serves children in some 235 families who are now in need during this pandemic outbreak. Schools are shut and students have returned home with their families in already tight living conditions. Many sources of food and resources are closed down, leaving families, many of whom with their weaker immune systems are already at high risk, vulnerable. Access to health care in the slums is limited, and quality is often marginal. And physical distancing (often referred to these days as “social distancing”) is much of a challenge in densely populated neighborhoods
Please consider these other ways your help would be much appreciated:

- Donate to “Food from Friends” fund – This fundraiser is an immediate and urgent priority.
- email your student on the Sponsor Portal – Let your student know you are thinking of them. The emails may not be able to be read for awhile as the NRCF offices have limited hours and physical distancing restrictions are observed. But any correspondence you send to them today will be cherished once access is again made possible.
- Connect – Join your fellow Friends on social media to share your thoughts and hopes for your children and families on Nairobi. Invite your friends who are not currently sponsors or who not aware of Friends of Ngong Road to join in. We’re all connected by experiencing this at the same time, and each and everyone of us in our own unique way. We plan to safely record and publish short personal videos created in Nairobi to show what’s happening in the neighborhoods, as well as those we’re creating at Ngong Road.