We started the construction of the Elimu Hub in October with an expected completion date of December. However, we encountered some county government approval hiccups which have delayed the implementation of the project substantially. The approvals are driven by the Physical Planning Act which sets out requirements for development permits. This includes redoing the architectural drawings through a certified architect and applying for an administrative change to allow for the use of containers for the students’ resource center at our new location. The two processes will take up to 2 months to be completed.
While the vendor has completed 70% of the work (purchasing and fabricating the containers with doors and windows), 30% of the work (joining the containers and installation of gypsum walls and floor) has to be done on-site after government approval. We also had to revise the number of containers down to six following the government requirements on space utilization.
We are hopeful that Elimu Hub will be completed by the end of February 2022.
Thank you once again for supporting us in making ELimu Hub a reality!