In 2014, our program had 37 students finish high school. They all took Kenya Comprehensive Secondary Exams (KCSE) during the month of November and will get their marks in March 2015. In the meantime, all of them have elected to join our program’s post-secondary program.
When a student joins our post-secondary program, we expect them to do the following:
- Enroll in computer skills certification program (conducted Jan – Mar)
- Obtain a Kenya National ID card. (this is necessary in order to work)
- Participate in NRCF-hosted seminars on communications skills, resume writing, and career assessments.
- Get final marks from school. Deadline: 15 May
- Complete proposal for Scholarship Committee. Deadline: 15 May
- Present proposal to Scholarship Committee. Deadline: 31 May
- After approval by Scholarship Committee, prepare a letter to the sponsor to include the following:
- Enroll in selected courses of study. Grades must be provided to NRCF at the conclusion of each term before school fees will be paid for the next term.
- Students are expected to write at least two letters annually to the sponsor to keep them apprised of their activities.
- Upon graduation, the post-secondary case worker will ensure the student is enrolled in the NRCF Alumni Association, help the graduate set up a LinkedIn account and provide assistance as they seek employment. The student is expected to write one final thank you note to the sponsor and describe their plans.
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